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Brief History & Who We Are

Hi, I'm Roy Hulling...

Pastor of Madison - Monrovia Presbyterian Church.


My wife Connie, daughters Courtney and Donnica, and I moved to Harvest 34 years ago to plant and later organize this new Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.  In our years here, God added Carissa, Alisa and Cy to our family.  


Our heart and the focus of this church was and remains for people who have not yet met Jesus by faith and for those believers who are not experiencing the love, joy and encouragement of God's Family in a local church.  We are missionaries in North Alabama 

By far, the great joy of this ministry is the opportunity to sit front row center watching Jesus work His love, grace and freedom in the lives of those who come to know Him through faith.  God has generated and gathered to this church family, these "people of grace." They are welcoming, caring, encouraging, kind, patient, fun.  They are beggars who have found Bread (John 6:35) who love to tell other beggars where they too can find Bread.  They are sinners who have experienced Jesus' love, grace and freedom and who gratefully point others to Him. 


Maybe you can see why I have such a good time!  These are people you'd want to introduce to your mother!  I'd love for you to get to know them too.

I'd like to meet you!  Call/ text (256-722-9496 or e-mail ( me, or better yet, come see us! 


In His grip,

​Roy Hulling,

Pastor, Marriage & Family Therapist

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